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30 September 2023–7 January 2024

Jarno Vesala: Isän ja tyttären muotokuva, 2021. Tampereen taidemuseo. kuva: Jarno Vesala.

Jarno Vesala: Portrait of a Father and Daughter, 2021. Tampereen taidemuseo. Photo: Jarno Vesala.

Jarno Vesala (b. 1977) is known for his installations consisting of sculptures in human form, sound and moving image. Based on observation and illusion, his artworks create a mystical, even scary, atmosphere. The viewer plays an important role in the course of events. The artwork is simultaneously a static, three-dimensional photograph, and a scene unfolding around the viewer. Vesala uses small gestures to ask questions about the human condition. In Salo, museum visitors have a chance to see a piece created through video projections, in which the viewer feels like a part of a large crowd. The viewer is forced to watch the events unfold, like a silent bystander. How does it feel to be part of a group, yet simultaneously an outsider and alone?