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22.1.-24.4.2022 Arnold Newman: Masterclass

Arnold Newman (1918-2006) was one of the most productive, creative, and successful portrait photographers of the twentieth century. For sixty-six years he applied himself to his art and craft, and was recognized by regular publication in the most influential magazines of the day, major solo exhibitions, and appearances in many of the world’s most prestigious photography collections.

Famous sitters range from painters, writers, and musicians to businessmen, bankers, and leaders of industry. Newman is often credited with being the first photographer to use so-called environmental portraiture, in which the photographer places the subject in a carefully controlled space of his choosing.

“For me the studio is a sterile world. I need to get out; to be with people where they’re at home.”

This major retrospective exhibition Masterclass includes a wide selection of Newman’s portraits in the form of vintage prints, along with the occasional work print. Many of these prints are being exhibited for the first time.

“This exhibition has been produced by the Foundation for the Exhibition of
Photography, Minneapolis/Paris/Lausanne, and the Harry Ransom Center,
Austin, in collaboration with Salo Art Museum”.


Foundation for the Exhibition of Photography